Beatus Viator Guest House

Travel to Ancient Rome: the Capital as you’ve never seen it before!

A multimedia outdoor show to relive the history of the Forum of Augustus. Here are all the unmissable events in the Capital.

The journey inside the Ancient Rome begins in Via Alessandrina, where from a gallery the spectators can admire an exciting, vivid and spectacular representation that, through films and projections, will reconstruct the place as it was presented in the Imperial age.

Through a multi-projection of lights, images, films and animations, people can live a multi-sensory experience to discover Augustus and his Rome, in a place rich in vivid traces of the past visible right on the site of the Forum of Augustus.

This incredible spectacle, compared to a real journey through time, will accompany Roman citizens and travelers who have come to the Capital throughout the summer and early autumn, especially from 17 June to 7 November 2021.

Tickets can be pre-purchased online on the event website, Trip to the Forums, or directly on site. For the holders of the MIC card and the Roma Pass there is a reduced entrance fee.

Beatus Viator Guest House

Via Giovanni Giolitti, 101 - Roma (RM) - Directions

+39 | +39 | WhatsApp

Identification code 058091-AFF-03766